زندانیان سیاسی بحرینی در زندانهای جو و حوض الجاف، در اعتراض به اوضاع خود و ادامۀ ظلم رژیم بحرین در زندان، از دیروز دست به اعتصاب غذا زدند.
۲۶۷ مطلب در تیر ۱۳۹۶ ثبت شده است
رنگ آمیزی هواپیما یک فرآیند پیچیده و جالب است. این ویدیو نشان می دهد که هواپیماهای غول پیکر چگونه و در چه فرایندی رنگ آمیزی مجدد می شوند؟
ارتش آمریکا در بیانیه ای اعلام کرد در آزمون حملات دقیق در عمق، ائتلاف آمریکا و کره جنوبی موفق شد اهداف حیاتی را در شرایط مختلف آب و هوایی نابود کند.
عضو منتخب شورای شهر پنجم از به تاخیر افتادن دو هفتهای انتخاب و اعلام گزینههای شهرداری تهران خبر داد.
IN a bid to ease congestion and pollution, officials in Vietnam have vowed to ban motorbikes in the heavily-congested capital by 2030 as the government looks to limit the use of personal vehicles on its streets, local reports say.
Bahrain, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates said in a joint statement they would respond “in a timely manner”.
A three-month-old ban on taking electronic devices such as laptops onto aircraft cabins on flights from Turkey to the United States was lifted on Wednesday, the private Dogan news agency reported.
At least 1,500 people have died in a cholera outbreak in Yemen which the UN says is the worst ever.
US President Donald Trump is arriving on July 5 in one of the few European countries that cheered his victory and sees eye to eye with the former businessman and TV personality on a number of issues.
German officials say they are expecting Russia to try and influence its upcoming general election on 24 September. In a news conference on Tuesday (4 July), Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere warned that confidential documents and data stolen from the German Parliament in a major cyberattack in 2015 may be leaked in the coming weeks in an effort to undermine democracy, lawmakers and members of the government.